ketu - Dragon's Tail


Hi guys my idea of writing this blog is to provide you with all the information about Planets on the basis of astrology in short so that this can save your time .

Ketu Graha
Also known as Dragon's Tail.
This is a planet without head.
This in an imaginery planet.
The effect of this planet is very powerful.
This planet is always Retrograde.

Mahadasha - 7 years 
Color - Smoke
Gemstone - Cats Eye  (Lehsuniya)
Finger-  Middle finger 
Metal - Silver, Asthdhatu, Panchdhatu
Friendly planet - Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Enemy planet- Sun , Moon , Mars
Nakshatras-  Ashvini, Mul, Magha

Ketu represents -:
3)Spiritual knowledge
4)Intuition(6th sense)
5)Past Life 
6)Occult science 
7)Unfolded secretes

Ketu Gemstone Cat's eye(Lehsunia)

Cat's eye is famous for its Appearance and Mystical powers.
Astrologer recommend this gemstone to remove ill effects of the planet or if it is well placed then to increase its powers, Wearing this Gemstone in Mahadasha of ketu gives very good results.
Cat's eye gemstone comes in different qualities.
You should always buy a gemstone which suits your pocket from a trusted person.

Cat's Eye benefits -:

1)Recovering the loss of wealth.
2) Cat's eye brings Luck.
3) Cat's eye opens the path to spirituality
4) Cat's eye increases memory power
5) Prevent Mishaps
6) Protect from secrete enemies.
7) Removes Fear
8) Cures depression
9) Remove's black magic

After wearing Cat's eye an individual might experience all these changes in his or her life ,

Before wearing this Gemstone do consult an astrologer because this is a very powerful gemstone and can give negative effect too.
Do not wear this gemstone just by seeing the good qualities.
Reverse effect of this gemstone can be very harmful.
If possible after consulting an astrologer , wear this gemstone on trial basis for 3- 4 days .



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